

datetime --

-timedelta.max 不可以表示为一个 timedelta 对象。 实例属性(只读):. 屬性. 值. days.

datetime — Basic date and time types

-timedelta.max is not representable as a timedelta object. Instance attributes (read-only):. Attribute. Value. days.

DateTime.MaxValue Field (System)

Represents the largest possible value of DateTime. This field is read-only.

DateTime.MaxValue 欄位(System)

// Attempt to assign an out-of-range value to a DateTime constructor. let numberOfTicks = Int64.MaxValue // Validate the value. if numberOfTicks >= DateTime.

find max of datetime list if it has None

2020年9月28日 — I have a list with DateTime objects inside it along with None values and I need to get the max date of the list. a = [ ...

HTML DOM Input Datetime max Property

The max property sets or returns the value of the max attribute of a datetime field. The max attribute specifies the maximum value (date and time) ...

MAX is being called with (datetime), did you mean ...

2023年7月21日 — I am creating a Relationship Calculation. This is how it reads but it gives the above error on the 'MAX'.

max() on a Series of datetimes returns float · Issue #3188

2022年4月19日 — Calling max on a series of type datetime returns a float. What is the expected behavior? I believe a datetime should be returned.


2023年6月27日 — Class Attributes of DateTime ; max. The maximum representable DateTime ; resolution. The minimum possible difference between datetime objects.

Why do I get a ValueError when using datetime.max?

2020年6月15日 — The actual reason is datetime.timestamp() returns POSIX timestamp that overflows in 2038, and datetime.max is in year 9999. Search online for  ...